Scleroderma gay saget

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It will be an emotional and wonderful night. In keeping it all in the family, my nephew, my sister Gay's son, Adam, is the event's planner. Gay Saget died three years ago, at age 42, after losing a five-year battle against scleroderma the disease that slowly and agonizingly turns its victims' skin and internal organs to stone. And we'll also have a full orchestra on the stage so it will feel like a ballroom. My friend John Mayer is going to sing songs at the end. Jim Gaffigan is coming in from New York for this. And June 5th is Jeff's birthday so that shows what kind of friend he is. I emailed Jeff Garlin and asked him if he'd like to come to Cool Comedy - Hot Cuisine and sit next to me with his wonderful wife Marla, and he said 'only if I'm performing.' So he'll be doing comedy. And after that auction, we have a match grant. And I know I'm going to be hit by the ball (laughs). We have really great auction items including tickets to the Dodgers Game front row between home plate and first base and I'm going with the winners. Gay Sagets brother, Bob was known for his. Gay Saget died at an age of 47 from Scleroderma disease, the same disease that might have taken Bob Sagets life as he was found dead in a hotel room. This is a very special one - Jimmy Kimmel is doing the auction with me. Bob Saget died on from Scleroderma, and it seems he had a sister named Gay Saget who also suffered from the same disease. on June 5th at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.

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